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Hi everyone!

As you probably already know this year hasn't been very productive.

This is mostly due to the Covid 19 and some to do with everyone's busy lives and schedules.

We had planned to get some repairs done to the Stewart Lake trail this year but so far this hasn't worked out. 

Hopefully next year we can get some equipment in and fix things up again.

Our AGM is upon us again and the club is in need of some directors.

Jason Sawchuk is stepping down as Secretary, Thanks for all your hard work Jason!!

Clint Mason has also stepped down as Director at large. Thank you too Clint!

We still have

Joe Bourque President   If someone has more time and wants to take over I will step down as well.

John Martin Vice President

Derry Randall Treasurer

John Deschenes  Director

Mike Chemerys Director

Sorry for the late post. We are changing the date of the Aug meeting from the 6th to the 13th. This reason is there are too many people away for the long weekend.

Sooo... Meeting is Aug 13thth 7pm room 104 at the Northern Lights College There will be another draw for all attending members!

We are changing the date of the July meeting from the 2nd to the 9th. This reason is there are too many people away for the long weekend.

Sooo... Meeting is July 9th 7pm room 104 at the Northern Lights College There will be another draw for all attending members!

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