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About the Club.


Formed in 2003, this non-profit organization started with 10 members and has now grown to over 100 current members annually. The club with the participation of it's members help look after approx 800 kilometers of trail that we partner with the ministry of FLNR in maintaining.

We work to ensure trails are clean of garbage and large derbies, take on several projects each year and help to create a better outdoor experience for both area riders and visitors to our trails.


Please check out our calendar for up-coming local events as well as those we know of happening across the province.

We promote ATV safety and environmental stewardship, ensuring trail sustanability throughout the Peace Region.


We are always looking for news ways to enhance and help create a better trail experiance for users.

If you see an area on one of our trails that needs attention please let us know, we will endevour to work towards improving safety and ease of access wherever we are able.


We are always looking for more assistance with trail maint and projects, if you'd like to get involved please send us a email, call the club or come out to our monthly meetings that take place every second tueday of the month.    




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